Monday 2 May 2016

Georgetown Post-op Lisfranc Fusion Protocol 2018

Dr. Christopher Lu MBchB FRCSC / Darryl Yardley M.Sc.PT / Niyati Shah M.Sc RS
Lisfranc fusion post-op protocol


- Gait training, advice on edema control and pain managment / cryocuff cold therapy / kodiak cold therapy / game ready cold therapy
- Advice in regards to improving fusion outcomes: stop smoking, decrease alcohol intake, ensure adequate amounts of vitamin D drops (2000 u / day) + calcium in diet, use of bone stimulator
- Purchase: crutches, knee walker, cast protector
- Assess with AOFAS midfoot scale
- If you are interested in pre-operative physiotherapy and a pain management consult please call 
Restore Physiotherapy Georgetown - 905-702-1840
- This rehab protocol has been designed to minimize potential complications.
0 - 6 WEEKS:

- Patient immobilized in a short leg cast and can mobilize using crutches / knee scooter / iwalk 2.0

- Use cold therapy for pain relief
- Non-weight bearing
- Keep cast clean and dry
- Leg elevation for edema control
- Can take aspirin 325 mg, once a day while immobilized in cast - for DVT prophylaxis - if there are no contraindications / allergies.
- Staple / suture removal and wound check at 2 weeks post-op.
- Change to new short leg cast after suture removal.

6 - 12 WEEKS:

- Can weight bear on heel in short cast boot
- Start physiotherapy
- Can use cold therapy unit
- Active ankle ROM in pain free range
- Include dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion and eversion
- Ankle circles
- Ankle alphabets (trace alphabet in air with foot)
- Proprioception non-weight bearing exercises / kinesthetic awareness
- Wiggle toes / toe stretches / pick up marbles with toes
- Straight leg lifts + side lifts / non-weight bearing strengthening exercises
- Stationary recumbent bike with more work on weight bearing extremity / use cast boot initially for 1st week / gradually ween out of boot
- Passive ROM - rear foot mainly, soft tissue work on tibialis anterior / peroneals / FHL / EHL / tibialis posterior
- RMT for swelling and scar tissue mobilization when wounds have healed
- TENS, IFC, NMES, hydrotherapy, wax therapy and ice as needed.
- Isometric (hold / relax ankle movements) can start at 10 weeks post-op

3 - 6 MONTHS:

- Patient now full weight bearing
- Gait retraining
- Wean off crutches / cane / cast boot / resume normal walking
- Ankle ROM with weights
- Weight bearing proprioception exercises
- Theraband ankle movements
- Heel-toe raises
- Active calf stretch and active tibialis anterior stretch
- Lunges / Stepping - ensure patient has pain free weight acceptance on affected side.
- Passive ROM to improve ROM
- Modalities as need, RMT as needed


- Running if tolerated and done before surgery / Treadmill
- Trial of HOKA one running shoes
- Fitting for custom orthotics

Discharge with full ROM and ankle / foot muscle strength 4+ /5 / Pain free movements

Assess with AOFAS midfoot scale at 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months and 12 months.

Disclaimer:  This physiotherapy protocol is specifically designed for patients who have had their Lisfranc fusion performed at Georgetown Hospital.  We routinely perform our fusion using a locking plate + screw construct instead of screws alone.  This provides a more rigid construct.  As such, we allow early heel weight bearing.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Recommended Aids to help with post-op recovery

1) Breg Kodiak Cold Therapy + Ankle / Foot Attachment / Game Ready / Ossur


Cold therapy has been the biggest change in my practice over the past 2 years.  Foot surgery is generally painful and uncomfortable.  Swelling tends to pool to the lowest point due to gravity.  Unfortunately, this point is your foot.  The worst pain occurs in the first 2 days, the first 2 weeks are quite painful, and you will slowly notice improvement in the pain after 2 weeks post-op.  Cold therapy has significantly decreased the amount of pain medication that I routinely prescribe.  

US Amazon Link:

2) Walking Aids - Crutches / Knee Scooter / iWalk 2.0


Crutches are not easy to use.  You need good upper body strength and balance.  If you have a lisfranc / midfoot fusion you will be off your foot for 6 weeks.  A significant number of my patients have injured themselves while using crutches.

If you are worried about your mobility and want the safest option to mobilize, please consider the purchase of a knee walker scooter.  They are generally quite safe and easy to use.

If you want something more adventurous - you have the option of using an iWalk 2.0.
Personally, the iWalk gave me a cramp in my calf and it was not for me.  However, some of my patients love this device.

In general, I recommend scheduling a pre-op visit with the physiotherapist.  You can try each of the devices and pick the one that is right for you.

US Amazon Link:

Knee Scooter
iWalk 2.0

Canada Amazon Link:

Knee Scooter
iWalk 2.0

3) Shower Aids

US Amazon Link:

Cast Cover
Bath Stool

Canada Amazon Link:

Cast Cover
Bath Stool

4) Vitamin D drops - 2000 IU / day + Vitamin C + 1-2 eggs per day

Please start this now - in preparation for surgery.

5) Aspirin 81 mg / day

If you do not have a contraindication for taking aspirin.  I would recommend you take an Aspirin 81 mg / day for each day that you are in the cast.

US Amazon Link:

Canada Amazon Link:

6) Foam Bed Wedge to elevate feet

US Amazon Link:

Foam Bed Wedge

Canada Amazon Link:

Foam Bed Wedge

7) Advanced healing waterproof band-aids

US Amazon Link:

Advanced Healing Band-aids

Canada Amazon Link:

Advanced Healing Band-Aids

8) Diet.  Make sure you are eating a good well balanced diet with adequate amounts of protein and fruits + vegetables.  No junk food.  No fast food.  No sugar. No smoking.